Even though Election Day is almost a week ago, in some parts of the country, election results are still up in the air. For instance, in North Carolina, Republican Governor Pat McCrory
still doesn't know if he has won or lost his race against Democrat Roy Cooper:
A formal complaint that could affect North Carolina’s tight governor’s race demands 90,000 Durham County ballots be recounted by hand because tabulations were manually entered into the state election system by local officials on election night with “bleary eyes and tired hands.”
Stark says an error in machines that scan ballots caused memory cards to fail, prompting manual tabulation of results into the state system.
The original statewide count shows Democrat Roy Cooper ahead of McCrory by 5,000 votes. But tens of thousands of provisional ballots still must be examined. Counties must submit their final results by Nov. 18.
If you remember, North Carolina was the subject of controversy recently, due to the passage of House Bill 2, which requires individuals to use the public restroom that aligns with their biological sex (i.e., what is listed on their birth certificate). The law was widely criticized for a variety of reasons, and many are calling for it to be struck down. And this particular law has had a
significant impact on that race.
Roy Cooper, a Democrat, held a razor-thin lead on Thursday in North Carolina’s bitterly contested race for governor. If it holds, it would be a rare bright spot for his party this week, one that has much to do with Mr. Cooper’s call for repealing a state law limiting transgender bathroom access that has subjected North Carolina to a gale of international criticism, boycotts and cancellations.
At last count, Cooper is in the lead, but it's close, and McCrory has refused to concede.
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