Today on one of my new favorite blogs,
EJ Wagenmakers dissects a recent interview with Elizabeth Loftus on when it is okay to peek at data being collected:
Claim 4: I should not feel guilty when I peek at data as it is being collected
This is the most interesting claim, and one with the largest practical repercussions. I agree with Loftus here. It is perfectly sound methodological practice to peek at data as it is being collected. Specifically, guilt-free peeking is possible if the research is exploratory (and this is made unambiguously clear in the published report). If the research is confirmatory, then peeking is still perfectly acceptable, just as long as the peeking does not influence the sampling plan. But even that is allowed as long as one employs either a frequentist sequential analysis or a Bayesian analysis (e.g., Rouder, 2014; we have a manuscript in preparation that provides five intuitions for this general rule). The only kind of peeking that should cause sleepless nights is when the experiment is designed as a confirmatory test, the peeking affects the sampling plan, the analysis is frequentist, and the sampling plan is disregarded in the analysis and misrepresented in the published report. This unfortunate combination invokes what is known as “sampling to a foregone conclusion”, and it invalidates the reported statistical inference.
Loftus also has many opinions on replicating research, which may in part be driven by the fact that recent replications have
not been able to recreate some of the major findings in social psychology. Wagenmakers shares his thoughts on that as well:
I believe that we have a duty towards our students to confirm that the work presented in our textbooks is in fact reliable (see also Bakker et al., 2013). Sometimes, even when hundreds of studies have been conducted on a particular phenomenon, the effect turns out to be surprisingly elusive — but only after the methodological screws have been turned. That said, it can be more productive to replicate a later study instead of the original, particularly when that later study removes a confound, is better designed, and is generally accepted as prototypical.
The whole post is worth a read and also has a response from Loftus at the end.
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